Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Book That Every Budding Corsetier Should Read

The book that every budding corsetier should read is The Basics of Corset Building by Linda Sparks. It is an incredible resource that discusses in detail how to build a corset in a way that is pretty easy to understand, in my humble opinion.

I lucked out in that I actually met Ms. Sparks. She's incredible, and gave me a lot of advice. She even signed my copy of the book!

I know I said that there was only one book, but then again the other thing I'm about to recommend isn't really a book. Every person who wants to make corsets should read the Corsetmaking Revolution at

My good friend was kind enough to share this with me. Essentially this download (for lack of a better word) is about how to draft a corset pattern! It's amazing, and I use the skills I learned in it all the time. Let's face it, for something as structured and fitted as a corset you can't really use a standard pattern, nor should you be restricted to that!

Anyway, that is all for tonight lovelies! If there is something specific you want to know and would like to see a whole post dedicated to it, leave a comment. You should leave a comment either way, but certainly leave one if you want to know more about something specific.

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